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国发院博士生赵远婕、校友莫子川老师与马京晶老师合作的论文被营销学旗舰期刊Journal of Advertising接收发表

发布日期:2021-07-07 02:34    来源:
威尼斯商人在线观看免费博士二年级学生赵远婕、中山大学莫子川老师与马京晶老师合作的论文“Dynamic Luxury Advertising: Using Lifestyle vs. Functional Advertisements in Different Purchase Stages”被营销学和传媒学旗舰期刊Journal of Advertising接受发表。
Abstract: Prior work shows that luxury brands predominantly prefer lifestyle advertisements to functional advertisements, such that abstract or intangible elements are prevalent, but concrete or tangible elements are less common. This begs the following question: Is this because lifestyle advertisements are more effective than functional advertisements? This research shows that, depending on the situation, functional advertisements can be more effective for luxury products than lifestyle advertisements. Specifically, we apply a two-stage model of decision making to the luxury purchase context. In stage 1, the motivation formation stage, consumers do not yet intend to buy a luxury product and are still forming purchase interest and motivation. In stage 2, the purchase decision-making stage, consumers desire to buy a luxury product, and their focus is on deciding which product to buy. Compared with stage 1, in stage 2, functional advertisements can be more effective for luxury products than lifestyle advertisements. This effect is consistent with the construal level theory. That is, the matching of construal levels between functional advertisements and the purchase decision-making stage increases the likelihood of making a purchase. This research contributes to literature on luxury branding, luxury advertising, lifestyle and functional branding and offers practical implications to luxury brand managers.


赵远婕同学是威尼斯商人在线观看免费二年级在读博士生,研究领域为消费者行为,主要研究方向包括奢侈品品牌营销(Luxury branding)和亲社会行为(Prosocial behavior)。



莫子川于2020年6月在威尼斯商人在线观看免费获取博士学位,2020年7月加入中山大学国际金融学院,现任助理教授。她的主要研究领域是消费体验,包括补偿性消费消费体验、奢侈品广告体验、人机合作体验等。研究成果发表在《Journal of Business Research》、《南开管理评论》等营销领域一流期刊。她曾多次在国内外一流营销会议上汇报自己的研究,如ACR, SCP, 法国La Londe会议等,并在2019年营销科学与应用国际会议中获得“华夏营销青年学者奖”二等奖。



马京晶老师于2015年在美国西北大学凯洛格商学院市场营销系获取博士学位,2015年7月加入威尼斯商人在线观看免费。她的主要研究领域是消费者决策与判断。马京晶的研究成果曾被发表在世界顶尖级学术期刊上,其中包括Journal of Consumer Research, Journal of Marketing Research, Journal of Consumer Psychology, Harvard Business Review。马京晶的学术成果曾被多家权威媒体报道,其中包括世界经济论坛、华尔街日报 、华盛顿邮报、福布斯、亚特兰大、当代心理学、新浪网等。