
发布日期:2019-04-12 01:04    来源:


根据我院与威斯康星大学麦迪逊分校农业与应用经济系签署的合作协议之规定,学院于近期选派优秀双学位本科三年级或四年级学生赴美国进行学习,派出时间自2019年秋季学期开始。入选学生本人主修专业完成第三年或第四年的学习后,赴美交换学习一年,表现优秀者可申请外方硕士项目“Master of Science in Quantitative and Applied Economics”,该硕士项目认可交换学习阶段所修大部分课程学分,因此,硕士项目可以申请提前毕业。同时,得到威斯康星大学麦迪逊分校研究生院确认,VISP学生学业合格者可以免GRE考试申请进入该硕士项目。








A. 已经在本人主修专业完成了至少三年的本科课程,目前在国家发展研究院经济学双学位项目学习;

B. 在国家发展研究院的学习中,经双绩点达到3.2(按威尼斯商人在线观看免费绩点计算方式计算);

C. 在主修专业和双学位的学习中,已修的所有数学、统计学和经济学课程的平均绩点达到3.5(按威尼斯商人在线观看免费绩点计算方式计算);

D. 英语技能足以完成其课程计划,一般而言,雅思成绩至少达到6.5,或者托福成绩至少达到90分(网考托福);

E. 符合威斯康星大学麦迪逊分校国际交换生项目网站(https://visp.wisc.edu/apply/)上列出的所有申请要求。






 申请时间: 2019年4月13日9:00—4月26日12:00


登录学生信息服务平台(ss.nsd.pku.edu.cn) — UW-Madison,填写基本信息 上传中英文简历、证件照 扫描上传主修专业和经双英文成绩单 扫描上传个人整理的所有数学、统计学和经济学课程成绩单(使用excel表格列明课程名称、学分、百分制成绩) 扫描上传英语能力证明(雅思、托福) 上传1000字左右英文个人陈述 其他个人学业获奖及科研情况证明




威斯康星大学麦迪逊分校(University of Wisconsin-Madison),简称UW-Madison,创建于1848年,位于美国威斯康星州的首府麦迪逊,是一所世界一流的著名公立研究型大学,位列2016-2017年泰晤士高等教育世界大学排名第55位。该校是威斯康星大学系统的旗舰学府,被誉为“公立常春藤”大学,与加州大学伯克利分校和密歇根大学安娜堡分校等代表了美国公立大学的最高水平。威斯康星大学麦迪逊分校在各个学科和领域均享有声誉,产生了21位诺贝尔奖获得者。







Post-VISP研究生学费:$24k( MSPO硕士)或 $17k( MS REDA硕士)





VISP访学秋季 9/1 - 12/15

7+ 硕士学分(QAE方向)

8+ 硕士学分(REDA方向)

VISP访学春季 1/15-5/15

8+ 硕士学分QAE方向)

7+ 硕士学分(REDA方向)


7/1 -8/31

4 硕士必修学分



9/1 - 12/15





6 硕士学分




Attn: Mary Treleven

Department of Ag. and Applied Economics

University of Wisconsin-Madison

Madison, WI 53706 USA

E-mail: visp@aae.wisc.edu

Phone: 001 + 1 608-262-9489



Medical Costs: Enrolled students hosted by the UW-Madison shall be entitled to use clinical services on the same terms as UW-Madison enrolled degree-seeking students. Additionally, all students hosted at the UW-Madison must purchase the UW-Madison mandatory health insurance plan for international students (SHIP).


Finances: Students in the Year 4 VISP will pay international tuition rate and segregated fees at the rate assessed to University Special students based on amount of credit taken: https://registrar.wisc.edu/tuitionrates/. Students are responsible for their living expenses including but not limited to housing, meals, mandatory SHIP health insurance, travel expenses, books and supplies, etc. Updated annual rates can be found on the Visiting International Student Program Cost of attendance page: https://visp.wisc.edu/cost/


Visa: UW-Madison will issue appropriate documents for visa purposes. Students must show proof of adequate funds to support their school and living expenses for the length of their stay in order to receive their student visa. This support can be documented through a combination of personal, family or scholarship funds, as outlined by US government regulations.


Housing: PKU students are responsible for finding their own housing. The students can arrange to live off-campus in an apartment, private residence hall (dormitory), or a Co-op, or if space permitting, they may apply to live in on-campus housing in a University Residence Hall/Apartment (campus run dormitory). The DCS VISP advisor and DCS website provide assistance for identifying options.


Courses and Enrollment: A. Fulltime enrollment: In accordance with US government regulations, all PKU students participating in Year 4 VISP must enroll fulltime each semester of study at UW-Madison. Fulltime enrollment for undergraduate-level students equates to between 12-18 academic credits. Fulltime enrollment for graduate-level students (with a bachelor’s degree when entering VISP) equates to 8 or more academic credits.


B. Enrollment: PKU students will enroll in undergraduate and graduate-level UW-Madison Department of AAE courses identified in Appendix A. Students accepted into the Year 4 VISP will not be permitted to apply to transfer into other UW-Madison academic programs.


C. Course Selection: PKU and UW-Madison are responsible for course design; each department will convene a committee responsible for identifying Department of AAE courses appropriate to the Year 4 curriculum. If either University requires changes to this list of courses during the term of this Agreement, it will notify the other University. Any changes must be agreed to in writing by both Universities. In the event that the Universities are unable to agree, either University may terminate this Agreement in accordance with section 10, below.


D. Appendix A: The attached list represents the agreed-upon courses as of the date of this Agreement.


Appendix A:


Courses (required):




AAE 636: Applied Econometrics I


AAE 771: Microeconomics Theory to Practice




AAE 637: Applied Econometrics II


AAE 706: Applied Risk Analysis


Courses (recommended):




AAE 375: Spread Sheet Fundamentals and Applications


AAE 526: Quantitative Methods in Agricultural and Applied Economics


AAE 540/MHR 540 (cross listed with School of Business): Intellectual Property Rights, Innovation and Technology


AAE 773: Seminars in Resource and Energy Demand Analysis


AAE 777: Survey and Sample Design in Applied Economics




AAE 641: Foundations of Agricultural Economics


AAE 642: Foundations of Development Economics


AAE 643: Foundations of Environmental and Resource Economics